“This natural disaster is a different kind of shock to the system than a typical business cycle. Natural Disasters, as tragic as they come, do not...
Unemployment Rate Holds Steady As State Labor Force Increases California’s labor market continued to expand at a rapid pace in April, with total nonfarm employment in...
Pandemic Underscores Essential Quality of Life Need for Arts, Entertainment Business activity in the Inland Empire has continued to steadily recover from the historic COVID-19 pandemic...
Craving ‘Normal Activity’, Consumers Will Drive Growth; Trouble On The Horizon: The Cost Of Excessive Monetary And Fiscal Stimulus The economic recovery from the historic COVID-19...
Vaccine Rollout, Easing of Public Health Mandates Boosts Local Economic Outlook After more than a year of pandemic-driven business closures and restrictions on activity, the fundamentals...
With vaccination rates rising and COVID-19 cases declining, San Bernardino County is ready to focus on recovery. On April 19 at 11:30 am, San Bernardino County...
California Job Recovery Picks Up Steam, Accounting for Over One-Third of All Jobs Added in the United States
State Unemployment Rate Grows But Workforce Also Expands California’s labor market saw its first loss of jobs since April, according to an analysis released jointly by Beacon...
2020 will go down as one of the most traumatic, turbulent, and unprecedented years in modern economic history. On January 14th the Inland Empire Regional Chamber...
New Forecast Sees Positive Growth, Better Times In 2021; U.S. Deficit: Long Run Consequences of Fiscal Stimulus Clear and Troubling As one of the most traumatic...