Coming October 5th Economic Horizon 2024: What Lies Ahead? The Inland Empire Regional Chamber of Commerce, in collaboration with Beacon Economics and the County...
In arguing that there will be no near-term recession, Beacon Economics has been an outlier in the forecasting community. Much to the chagrin of those who...
#bizzbuzz Inspired by the Board of Supervisors’ commitment to meet the needs of employers and jobseekers and foster a vibrant local economy, the San Bernardino County...
The City of San Bernardino has proposed a set of initiatives, programs, and investments intended to revitalize its downtown area. “When we transform our downtown, we...
Southern California Association of Governments Release Third Quarter Economic Update Third Quarter, 2023 SCAG’s Economic Roundtable met for its quarterly discussion on the current state of...
Federal Reserve Policies Are The Real Pain Point; California’s Population Declines Despite an economy that is showing strength and resilience across key measures, belief that the...
Modest Price Declines Expected In State’s Famously Expensive Housing Markets California’s major metropolitan regions will weather any national headwinds caused by the recent banking crisis and...
Federal Reserve Policies At The Root Of Recent Bank Collapses; California: A Better Recovery Than We Thought! The recession forecasted by so many still hasn’t shown...
State Recovery Has NOT Lagged The Nation; California Recovered More And Faster Than Originally Estimated The annual benchmark revision released today by the California EDD has...
Job Growth Modest In Latest Numbers; Unemployment Rate Unchanged California’s labor market expanded modestly in the latest numbers, with total nonfarm employment in the state growing...