Labor Shortage Will Place Upward Pressure On Wages In 2022; Why Doesn’t the Inland Empire Have A Major League Downtown? From a demand standpoint, the U.S....
State’s Unemployment Rate Unchanged As Workforce Expands California’s labor market continued to expand at a steady pace in September, with total nonfarm employment in the state...
OPINION Business activity in the Inland Empire has continued to recover from the pandemic along a steady upward trajectory, outperforming growth in U.S. GDP in the...
COVID’s Not Insignificant Impact on Apartment Markets in Already-High-Priced Urban Centers With little exception, California’s major metropolitan regions have recently enjoyed multiple, consecutive months of employment...
State’s Unemployment Rate Edges Down As Workforce Expands California’s labor market continued to expand at a rapid pace in August, with total nonfarm employment in the...
Pandemic Recession was Deepest and Shortest in U.S. History as Output Jumps to Pre-Covid Levels; Near Term Forecast Strong but Long Run Instabilities Loom In the...
State’s Unemployment Rate Holds Steady As Workforce Expands California’s labor market continued to expand at a rapid pace in June, although job growth did slow compared...
Downtown Revitalization: ‘A Major League Region With a Minor League Downtown’ By Kristin Lansdown, Editor at IEBJ The diminished economic effects of the pandemic are becoming...
Region Is Outperforming Along Multiple Measures As the effects of pandemic-driven business closures and restrictions steadily diminish, and with California ‘officially reopened’, the economy of the...
Housing Market A Pandemic Winner: Strong Demand, Low Inventory Drives Home Prices and Sales In Already-High-Priced Urban Centers The distinctly lop-sided and often atypical economic effects...