
Want to Scale Your Business? Consider this First…



Want to Scale Your Business? Consider this First…

By Nick Lacy | IEBJ Content Contributor | Published on May 07, 2020

It’s one of those awkward conversations that you don’t want to have.

A business leader walks into a room and begins to cast bold vision. “We’re going to scale!” “We are going to grow the heck out of this thing!” “Get ready.. because we are about to scale like crazy!”. I rarely question the motive, or the individual. Sadly what I’ve had to question is the readiness.

In moments like these, in a very professional way, I’ll try to pull the leader aside and ask them about their systems. It’s the whole idea of what got you here won’t get you there. I love that these leaders want to scale, and I want to see it happen as well, but the desire to scale and the ability to scale must complement each other.

I’ve never met a business leader that didn’t want to scale. But I’ve met plenty that weren’t ready to. Again, not because of who they were as individuals, but because of how their company worked. The systems just weren’t ready.

A wise friend of mine once gave the counsel to setup your operations as if you were double your size. In other words, if you were double the size you are today, how would your systems and operations look different? In his opinion, you should start to operate that way. An interesting strategy to consider.

This is why I’m a firm believer in considering the transformational power of a digital infrastructure – when setup properly it can enable you to scale with very few limitations. And when you’re scaling, you’re growing. And when you’re growing, your’e earning. And when you’re earning you are able to serve in greater capacities.

Your digital infrastructure is key to your scalability because it brings adaptability, connectivity, and efficiency. It would be very difficult to scale without those principles in place first.

So as you think about scaling your business, consider the following:

1. If I were double my current size, how would my systems and operations look different? What is keeping me from operating at that level now?
2. How would I grade my current digital infrastructure? What grade would I give my ability to adapt, connect, and be more efficient via technology?
3. What is a key area that is hindering my growth and how can modern technology help me overcome that in a way that is efficient?

Take the time to consider the above, and your company will be on its way to being ready to scale.

What an adventure…




Nick Lacy | Founder and President at APEX Strategy Group 

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