Health & Wellness

Fast Fuel: Nourishing On-the-Go Meal Strategies for Busy Lifestyles



How to Stay Nourished Amidst the Hustle: Practical Tips for Busy Parents, Entrepreneurs, and Professionals

Wellness Tips By Sarah Goudie, Nutrition Expert & Guest Writer for IEBJ

Maintaining well-being and vitality is undoubtedly a full-time job. Combined with the daily responsibilities of parenthood, entrepreneurship, and career goals, it can quickly become overwhelming. Despite my aversion to hustle culture, the hustle often becomes a necessity, and when it is, nourishment can frequently take a back seat.

I’ve previously shared my tips on preparing for the day to avoid becoming hangry (Read that post here). However, sometimes, no matter how much we prepare or how good our intentions are, we can still find ourselves underprepared, overwhelmed, and in legit need of a quick meal.

Here are some of my favorite on-the-move options when that will nourish in a hurry:

1. Local Markets: When I’m in a hurry, there’s nothing better than a quick stop at a local market with a fresh deli or salad bar. I have my favorites depending on the area, like Organic Roots in Murrieta or Amazon Fresh when I’m in an unfamiliar town. I head straight to the build-your-own salad bar or hot food deli to grab what I need quickly. It’s also a great opportunity to snag a snack before the afternoon cravings hit! During the opening of the Murrieta Hot Springs Resort, I was a regular visitor at Amazon Fresh, picking up fresh salads, soups, and sandwiches for my team in less than 10 minutes. The convenience of not having to wait in a checkout line or scan purchases (let’s face it: even self-checkouts can be annoying) is genius, especially when on the move. 

Hot Tip: Plan your stop before the lunch rush. The food will be fresh, and you’ll have a better chance of avoiding lines and delays.

 2. Local Coffee Shops: I love finding coffee shops that excel in coffee curation and delicious, energy-sustaining eats. I explore these on leisure days, picking my favorites, and then quickly swing by again when I’m in a bind. Typically, I can get in and out of one of these shops in under 15 minutes, finding not just coffee but also kombucha, avocado toast, or other nourishing options. Even Starbucks has some quick, protein-focused choices like the Eggs and Cheddar Protein Box or Egg White & Roasted Red Pepper Egg Bites. 

Hot Tip: Look for coffee shops that partner with local businesses for fresh ingredients and roast their own coffee (Extra Hot Tip: Mold-free and organic coffee is the way to go!).

3. Know What to Google: In a new area and unsure where to go? Search for “fresh” or “salad” in maps to find great options. Many fantastic choices, both privately owned and franchised, offer build-your-own bowls, salads, and sandwiches. Many of these options allow for order-ahead, offering a super fast option. Sweetgreen, Cava, and Salad and Go are excellent options, and even Chipotle can meet nourishment needs with a protein or wholesome lifestyle bowl. 

Hot Tip: Double up on protein and veggies and reduce the rice or bread. This helps in sustained energy and satiation.

4. Modify: Restaurants, even fast-food ones, are increasingly open to modifying orders. Request “bun-free” or dressing on the side to maintain control over specific food desires and goals. This customization ensures that meals are fresh and made to order. It’s a good sign that ingredients and processes are not fresh if they are unwilling to modify. Two great carnivore options include In-n-Out’s “Protein Style” burgers or Chick-fil-A’s grilled chicken strips. Don’t hesitate to modify!

Hot Tip: Requesting sauce or dressing on the side helps reduce hidden sugars and additives.

5. Snacks: Since I never know what the day might throw at me, I always have a backup plan for when there’s no time to make a quick stop. Packing snacks in the car, purse, desk, or computer bag is a non-negotiable for me! My go-to snacks are That’s It Bars, Paleo Valley Original Grass Fed Beef sticks, and mixed nuts. Recently, macadamia nuts with blueberries have been my favorite. I also keep small packets of sunflower butter on hand for quick fuel. It’s crucial to stay hydrated! I keep my water non-toxic, reusable water bottles close and refill them whenever possible. 

Hot Tip: The fewer ingredients in a packaged food, the better. Look for pre-packaged foods that do not have added sugars or ingredients that don’t truly represent the food you are trying to eat. For example, find a nut butter that doesn’t add sugar and fruit bars that only have fruit, not “natural flavoring.”

It would be ideal to have the time and ability to plan each day, prepping meals, and leaving time to be mindful of every ingredient consumed. Additionally, it would be incredible to take a moment to see, smell, and appreciate our foods before eating. However, the reality is that only some days allow for this planning and focused enjoyment. 

By making small, sustainable changes towards a mindful approach to fueling our bodies, even with a hectic schedule, we can get through the day with more energy and brain power. These approaches to on-the-go fuel can also aid our sleep and recovery at the end of the day. This month, try incorporating one new quick approach and aim for positive lunch choices at least three out of five days to start building momentum for change!


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